
Misadventures Pharmaceuticals open for business!

Not to keep harping on [boring, repetitive, useless] medical crap, but I just now was taking my "mid-day" drugs and realized the following:

For someone who doesn't like to take more than a couple of Advil for anything less than, say, bleeding out of my eyes, I am carrying a freakin' hideous amount of drugs.

Check it:
Betamethisone ointment (for a wicked case of poison ivy--finished up the steroids last week, btw--I got a scar, too!)
Semprex-D (for chronic allergies)
Lamictal (anti-seizure test drug)
Levaquin (to combat a suspected lamictal side effect)
Ibuprofen (also for suspected lamictal side effect)

Oh, and btw, that levaquin stuff has a possible side effect of torn ligaments . . . even months after you finish taking it!  Let me tell you (again) how happy I am to be the neurologist's guinea pig:

[edited for language]

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