
A Day at Luray is Mainly Spent in Play

Yesterday (Saturday) the cousins were in town and we took the kids (cousins, neices, nephews, etc) to see Luray Caverns.  A first time for all of them, and we have it on good authority it was "SO COOL!"  After that we had lunch, played in the hedge maze they have there, then splashed around in the hotel pool.

Normally I would take a little time to crop these up, make them look pretty, but today is my birthday and I've subsisted entirely on cake, popcorn, and ice cream and I'm getting ready to crash hard core (read as: too lazy, shots were off anywho).

Without further ado . . . [drum roll please] . . . our day at Luray!

"Dream Lake"
Totem Room

One of 27 stalactite "hammers" for the organ.
One soft-serve stalagmite, please!
. . . and a side order of fried eggs!
Decorative plates, vehicular style.
The elusive center of the maze.
Pitstop and PhotoOp
Goofball Cousins!
Practicing to be the next "Ozzy," I think.
Before the Dive

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