
This. Room. Is. Very. . .


It is also not done yet!

Man, I effing hate mauve.  THEREFORE, I shall endeavor to think of it as Light Raisin.  Raisins are good.  I like raisins.

**  **
Update 08/10/10: I've had these finished photos for (obviously) some time and just hadn't posted them yet.  I present to you the finished bathroom with it-totally-did-not-turn-out-like-I'd-planned-but-it-needed-something decorative sponging.  Landlords painted over it (I'd expected it, but this is what being a perfectionist is all about), citing that neutral colors were best for renting . . . then asked if there was any original lavender paint from before I moved in. 

Oh.  My.  Gawd.  NO--if there had been lavender paint (a non-neutral color, might I add), I wouldn't have tried so hard to match it for touch ups (see previous post for "before" lavender color) . . . which started this whole mess!  I effing hate mauve!  If I'd actually chosen a color, it would have been the awesome neutral "tofu" color you approved that actually coordinated with my paprika towels, but I tried to save myself some time.  You're welcome for updating your sorry, cheap fixtures, too.

I digress . . .

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