

Annie went back into the vets on Saturday for another bladder infection.  She'd lost about 1lb in a week (now under the 5lb mark) and her temp was a few degrees below normal so for the remainder of the time we were in the office we kept her wrapped up in warm towels. 

We switched to the oral liquid anti-biotic instead of using the injection again which hasn't seemed to clear up whatever is going on, but it may be too late.  They gave me 5 days worth of anti-biotic and said if she rallied enough to use the second half of the dose by Tuesday I could come in and get it, but they didn't want to charge me for medication she may not use.

Saturday we hung out in the living room all day catching up on our movies and naptime, the two of us like biological pieces of bread with fleece blankets and a heating pad between us.  On Sunday she seemed to be feeling better and ate 4 meals of food but we still just hung out and tried to keep her warm.  This morning she refused to eat much of anything and just drank water.  I tried to give her a dose of subcu fluids, but I couldn't get a pocket of skin well enough to get the needle in.  As I left the house I could see her tiny little body tucked up for a nap on the bed, directly in front of the heating unit, blasting the apartment to early-summer temperatures.

This afternoon I called the vet's to ask about pricing for pet cremation.


DBL-LV said...

oh b- im sorry about annie. i know the pain of losing a pet..shes been with you forever! i am sending you big hugs. xoxo-d

beth said...

Thanks Dawn, I can really use a couple of big hugs this week--it's been an emotional rollercoaster for sure. I was terrified to go home last night, not knowing if she was going to be alive or not.

But, there she was when I walked in the door, clearly feeling better and ready for dinner. I was so relieved I cried, which I have NEVER done.