
November 12

It goes without saying in our family (via my dad's line) that you should pay attention to stuff that feels like a good "gut instinct" or unusual dream.  Sometimes you have no idea whether those instincts are meaningful or not, that if by sharing them you just open yourself up to looking like an idiot.

Last night as I was falling asleep I had a quick dream that was like having a telepathic conversation with a rushed post-it note--quick bits of information just kind of thrown at me in rapid-fire succession with just enough time between to ask questions.

Unfortunately, as is the usual case, I only have the vaguest recollection of two of them now.

There was something about the dates Oct 3 or Oct 4--in my dream I remember thinking to myself "that's only a few weeks away, I need to get ready."  Since those have already come and gone this year I'm not sure what that could mean.

And there was something very specific about Annie and November 12.  "What about Annie?"  and I looked up to a night sky full of fuzzy stars and in blurry red LCD lettering like an alarm clock I saw NOVEMBER 12.

She's still in treatment for kidney disease and seems to be at least stable if not improving in leaps and bounds, but at 2:45am this morning I woke up to find that she has yet another bladder infection--the 4th in two months.  When she was first diagnosed I remember the first thought I had was "She won't make it to Christmas" . . . I hope I end up looking like an idiot.

Update 11/16/09:  Pleased to report that I'm an idiot.  Nothing happened on Nov 12 to Annie.

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