
WTF is UP with the fashions this year??

And the only thing I really want to know is WHO put the 1982 Frump Brigade in charge of 2008/2009 haute couture??

Not that I WEAR haute couture because I'll get paint stains and snags on the stuff after a few months like all the rest of my clothes, but it trickles down into the everyday styles . . . and they. All. Suck! Let's just agree to move away from the knit potato sacks and gem sweaters and starched polyester and very uncool retro-wannabe abstract prints already! The tight spiral poodle perm bob and 'new' mullet can't be far behind, and then it's pinned pants and argyle sweater prep and this whole mental crisis because it'll be like middle school all over again, but without the braces . . . (puts hands over face) . . . OH GAWD, NO!!!

I'm going to have to start traveling to NYC to buy clothes now, aren't I?? Or start making my own (but I still have to go to NYC for fabrics and stuff because we lack for adequate punky funk here in Colonial Politics Land). I hope Dawn is up for regular visits . . .


DBL-LV said...

any time B.. i miss you!

beth said...

Let's do something! I'll come up to you, and can be there as early as Feb.

BTW I just got the xmas photo yesterday--the kids are soooo cute! Katie looks more and more like you and your dad as she gets older . . . and you can tell Ry is a handful by the glint in his eyes! Those two are going to take the world by storm . . .