
Wanted: Sleep Aid Plan Zzzz

Less than 5 hours before the longest day of my travel stint, and I can't sleep.

My room is unusually bright tonight for some reason, even with the 'blackout' curtains closed and all the lights off; I can sleep with the lights on, but for some reason the soft electric glows from the hotel courtyard and the adjacent restaurant are infiltrating my suite and bouncing around the walls to saturate everything in a pale blue-white haze. Where is it coming from?! There must be a million trucks zooming along the highway just outside that didn't seem to be as loud the past week and a half I've been here.

The more desperate I am to sleep, the less likely I am to get it. My brain will not stop!

A.D.D. is rearing its ugly head tonight when there is a lull in movement and only my jumping thoughts to occupy me. The growing to-do list for work does not help; all I can think about is what work duties I have to complete in the next 3 days, what work tasks I have to complete asap this weekend or early next week, looming xmas gifts (if I don't start now, I won't get done until March), working on my bedroom at home, shopping for a new mattress, figuring out if I should go with blue or green color streaks in my hair and what clothes I need to buy for the winter season, how to create a Princess Palace theme (in pink) that will age with my niece as she transitions from 5 to 10, what items/tasks I may be forgetting for work, what appointments I need to make, which projects at home I have to finish, which projects I can start, what things I need to coordinate or follow up with to help out local friends and family, and planning visits to out-of-town friends and family. You know, the usual.

And the usual remedies are failing me tonight:
Plan A: exhaust myself so thoroughly that I crash into oblivion as soon as my head hits the pillow
Plan B: read/knit before bed
Plan C: shut down the internal movie theatre (a visual method my dad taught me as a kid to quiet my thoughts so I could fall asleep)
Plan D: dose myself with caffeine (hot chocolate, mocha, or choc-covered espresso beans--20 mins and I'm out)
Plan E: dose myself with melatonin and try the theatre imagery again

Nothing is working. It's so bright in here tonight. Everything is so loud: the traffic, the fridge, the electric pulse of the a/c in the room next door! I have to sleep . . .

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