I've been 'at work' for, essentially, the last two weeks straight. It comes with the territory of extensive work travel and whatnot--you're on the docket for lots of travel and long hours, and if you get a 'normal' day you still have to take care of various other work-related tasks that haven't been done yet.
Today (Sunday), I have the day off, and I took it in every way possible: mentally, physically, emotionally. There is NOTHING going on in my head today, except what is RIGHT NOW in the most superficial, basic, and unextraordinary way. The to-do lists for both personal and work items has been shelved and I basically took the morning as it came--did some reading, ate a real breakfast, played a game, even did my hair and makeup just because I let my hair air dry and I felt like it. The hardest decision I made this morning was which color eye liner to wear of the two I brought with me--burgundy or teal. (I went with burgandy--I was all browns today.)
Columbia is having an arts festival this weekend so I headed down to check it out and maybe do some 'thank you' shopping for my cat sitters.
Very cool stuff to see--both local artists and bands, and even some of the local shops were awesome--yay college towns!. There is a vintage store I would buy from daily if I lived here, and the 'functional art' glass pipe shop is a hoot--they had a Darth Vader/Death Star pipe that is a riot! Niiiiice local art shops, too! Anywho, walking around, it's fall 'hot' (mid-seventies), the music on the air slowly turns from blues picking to Beetles tribute, and everywhere I look is a maze of small white tents full of local art of all sorts. Hand carved wooden kitchen utensils, glazed pottery, photography, acrylic, raku sculpture, pencil, glass art, everything.
Yes, I did spend.
I don't usually buy for myself, but I found something by a local collage artist, Kay Foley, that I had to have--she has her own quotes and witticisms creatively put together with paper collage and there was one on a t-shirt she was selling that was so tongue-in-cheek perfect I laughed out loud. Fortunately she had the same thing in a smallish print so I bought that instead (the t-shirt was white, and I knew I'd ruin it!). She has some great stuff--you must check out Kay's website!
AND she was able to give me a little bit of info on working the art fairs--something I was a little concerned about when I get out with my own stuff!
Those of you who know me know my hair has its own personality and it does whatever it wants to . . . even my salon stylist will agree; I have 'problem' hair. Most of the time I just go with it and deal with weird hair (or have it cut so it looks like I want it that way), hoping that me and my wardrobe are up to meeting whatever standard it's set for the day. Here's the quote I just had to have (hahaha!!):
My hair just looks so GREAT some days that I HAVE TO go out somplace to show it off & then OF COURSE I end up buying things like new shoes & the whole thing starts all over again--an endless cycle of GORGEOUS. That's just my personal burden and I find ways to live with it.
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