
I Share a Commute with the Soup Nazi! (more vanity plate observations)

Zoned out on the drive into work this morning (it's Monday, I'm allowed) and came to around the time I hit Rt. 9 where I usually hit a slight lag in time while the swarm merges in. Saw the following vanity plates in the space of about 2 minutes:

NSOUP4U (the guy even looked like he could be an alternate Soup Nazi! Rock on, dude.)
HIHORSE (welcome to horse-county, little subaru, wonder where you board your pets?)
NINAS 8 (c'mon, Nina, you drive a new black corvette--is the car to make up for the uncreative plate?)

This one actually got my brain working:

Is that "Sci-Fi Fan", or is his last name Sififfen? Short-sleeved plaid button-down shirt and dark-framed glasses: the world may never know . . .

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You know what I would have on a vanity plate if I had one for my little white honda? README . . . humor AND social commentary! :)

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