Still working on the DW trip summaries--had to work on actual work stuff on Saturday, so I feel as if I had a 1-day weekend and in NO way was I up for spending a couple hours on cropping photos and writing up stuff. So I just knocked off entirely on Sunday and did some reading this weekend . . . my true 'downtime' activity.
Sometimes I find a great quote or two that I just have to share with someone. This weekend I was reading a Sarah Strohmeyer novel (The Sleeping Beauty Proposal--bought new, but cheap at a outlet center) and it had a few really great quotes I had to post for the amusement of others. The fact that I find these either insightful or funny or just plain interesting (is "plain interesting" an oxymoron???) probably says more about me than anything I can write about them.
"Worrying is banished from my personal vocabulary, having served no purpose in the first place. (Worrying, that is, not a personal vocabulary.) In fact, a case could be made that worrying about a problem actually prevents you from resolving it, because it deceives your mind into thinking that you're doing something when really you're not. Not only that, but worrying is super bad for your skin."
"You know, I'm getting a bit tired of the message that as well as being smart and financially prudent and well-groomed and a good housekeeper, as a new bride I've got to be sexy, too. I mean, men don't get this kind of treatment. Men are praised for being hard workers, savvy negotiators, sage investors, or 'real family men'--as if that's a rare, esteemed quality. (When was the last time someone observed that a mother was a 'real family woman'?) I haven't read anything in Cosmo about 'Groom Boot Camp.' Fathers don't take their affianced sons aside and privately advise them to drop a few pounds, maybe six-pack the old abs in order to keep the bride happy."
"You've got to look good to bitch good."
"I'm beginning to learn that anything worth having in life begins by taking risk--love, marriage, childbirth, even loving one's neighbor as thyself. Risk is the universe's way of pushing us to become more than what we are. Risk is faith at the edge. Risk is the pulsating essence of life. Without risk, we are automatons going through our days with no purpose or meaning. We are safer, perhaps, but we are also, ironically, closer to death."
"Sometimes if you wait too long, it's too late."
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