
Synecdoche, NY (my two cents)

Did. Not. Like.

Yeah, I could list an entire series of possible themes, undercurrents, symbolism, etc, etc and the various reasons I didn't like this movie . . . but I'm not going to. Why waste more time than those moments already sucked out of my life by watching it? Prosaic Everyman as defined by "artistic" philosophers who are so wrapped up in their own down-trodden views on life they, too, fail to truly live. Go back to your seclusion and dreary world views of your confined experiences in bourgious developed countries and stay away from me . . . I'm too busy enjoying life before I die to be dragged down by your supposed entertainment. If I wanted to watch Death of a Salesman, I'd have gone to the library and borrowed their dusty VHS copy.

From IM:

Beth says:
*i really hate mondays

Lauren says:
*me too
*im ready to leave already
*im tird

Beth says:
*and today I started with a headache thanks to this stupid movie Paul wanted me to watch last night

Lauren says:
*hahah tird...not tired
*how does a movie give you a headache?

Beth says:
*it's essesntially a reversioning of Death of a Salesman
*how this one man is supposed to represent all of the world, in that we're so wrapped up in our own misery, waiting to die, waiting for someone to hand us meaning and joy on a silver platter while we can't see and enjoy what's right in front of us
*and in the end, life is meaningless and we die
*big. fat. waste. of. time.
*did not lik

Lauren says:
*and so it gave you a headache

Beth says:
*and Paul and everyone else I know are all "oh, it's great, and I just cried at the end, and epiphany, epiphany"
*and 15 mins in I'm thinking to myself, geez, they really go out of their way to make the connection to Death of a Salesman, and how even this man's "life" is unreal to him--the only thing that is real to him (and thus maybe why he can't get away from it) is his own misery
*but I had to sit there the whole two hours
*and that's what gave me the headache
*that, and at the end Paul was all excited to see my reaction and proclaim it the best movie ever, and I said "not a good movie, did not like it"
*and I lay out a few of my first impressions, and what do I get back but the standard Paul response: "No, you're wrong. . . "
*which is the big ol' signal that Beth is now done with this conversation, since her opinions are now officially wrong
*so I went home
*with a headache
*which I still have
*stoopid movie

Lauren says:
*take advil

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