
Whatever, Yo

I am soooo glad the weather is finally warming up--enough to put away the winter clothes, the winter blahs, the winter projects. Time to open up the windows and get down to business with painting, sanding, getting my hands dirty and IN dirt. Time to pull out the favorite parts of my wardrobe: shorts, tank tops, and bare feet.

Oops--looks like I need to address a few extra pounds before the shorts come out. I may be in my thirties, but my legs don't need to be looking it, for cripe's sake, and I've let them slide for too long. Time to get outside and get some regular cardiac exercise, I guess!!

Okay--revision--time to pull out the acceptable parts of my summer wardrobe: capris, tank tops and bare feet. Hahahaha!

Summer is on it's way. Spring is "okay"--it's the colorful prelude to summer. I love the summer. Yay, warmth!!!

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