
But What I'd Really Love To Do . . .

Plan B. It's what you would do with your life if you weren't doing what you're doing right now or had to do to pay the bills. Some of us are already on Plan B, some of us don't think about it until Plan A has suddenly vanished into thin air . . . but I'm pretty sure most of us dream about Plan B and do what we can to get there.

I haven't gotten to my Plan B yet, but soon I hope to. My Plan B, what I'd really love to do, is to be able to support myself with my artwork, including a local artists web gallery.

I've got "irons in the fire" so to speak, lining things up that will enable me to one day push off the 9 to 5 (or at least just go part time so I have a reason to get out of the house regularly!). In the meantime, I'm getting back into the swing of working on craft and art projects as I can to build up a base to start with.

In the past my projects have always been gifts and I'd never thought to start keeping records of my work (a portfolio) until recently; in fact it's only been the last few years that I've felt I'd developed enough skill to create something worth selling. Along the way I've realized that supporting myself on artwork is not about what I think is good enough to sell, but rather what someone else enjoys enough to buy it. I will always be my worst critic, but as long as I use that attitude to keep pushing myself to do better (but not stand in my own way), then I'll always believe what I make will be appreciated by someone.

While this blog is up and running you'll see the occasional post about something I've finished along with a photo or slideshow of some type--I have friends/family ask all the time about my projects and would like to see photos. At the moment I'm finishing up a few items that have been 'on the books' for a while or shelved mid-process while I've been working on the apartment, so posts about new artwork/projects may be few and far between for a little bit--keep checking, though! I look forward to your comments--good and bad--and hope that you may also be inspired to work on your own Plan B, whatever it is.

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