Today ends the search. The Search for a Good Photo of Beth (that doesn't catch her in mid-word facial distortion, is nothing but the back of her head or 95% hair, or a poor profile shot . . . actually, the profiles I can't do anything about, it's just me).
It's been two weeks in the making, and I got zip. My self-esteem has taken a serious blow . . . do I really LOOK like that? Is this the best that I can find?? What if I die tomorrow--they'll just have a great picture of my HAIR for the obit!! Crap.
*** ***
So this morning (as I was waiting for the 1st coat of a new sparkly pink toe polish to dry) I resolved to take my own photo and see if I could get something that at least looked decent and interesting! (I love multitasking.) 10 minutes and 20 pictures later I get a shot that is useable AND actually looks like me. Woo!
(Caveat: this is my hair while it is still this side of soaking wet and has not yet dried to the Natural Disaster (sans high death toll) that most people see as soon as I walk out the door. Also, I'm not wearing a hair clip--that's a sparkle from the camera flash. In order to get this look for all day, I need: 5 lbs total of 3 kinds of styling product (I am NOT kidding--straightening mouse, gel or thin wax, hairspray), a flat iron, and 5 professional salon stylists.)
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